
Live Requests

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Thursday 12:00 am 11:59 pm
Sunday 12:00 am 9:59 am
Sunday 2:00 pm 5:59 pm
Monday 12:00 am 7:59 pm
Monday 9:00 pm 9:59 pm
Monday 11:00 pm 11:59 pm
Tuesday 12:00 am 11:59 pm
Wednesday 12:00 am 11:59 pm
Friday 12:00 am 11:59 pm
Saturday 12:00 am 9:59 am
Saturday 12:00 pm 11:59 pm

All Request Rock Radio – it’s not just our slogan it’s the entire basis of the radio station – something truly operated by rock music fans for rock music fans. Because we are not a traditional radio station with a limited broadcast range the music requested comes from rock fans around the world who have requested music over 20 years and built one of the most unique playlists out there and to this day every single request becomes part of that data which further influences the station rotation.

To request music all you need to do is pick the tracks. You do that here in the playlist area:

When you find a track you want to hear hit the REQUEST button. For most part a request should process and a confirmation message. In a few instances the track may have been recently played in which case you can pick another track. You can make multiple requests at the same time and will be notified if you reach a limit and when you can request again. Be aware that requests may be delayed by the few live shows we do air but any requests made will play once special programming is over.

Simple, easy. No sign up, registration or anything else. You pick it. We play it. Rock radio the way it should be.

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Rock radio. Built by rock music fans for rock music fans.

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