
Judas Priest – Invincible Shield

todayMarch 8, 2024 50

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1 – Panic Attack
2 – The Serpent and the King
3 – Invincible Shield
4 – Devil in Disguise
5 – Gates of Hell
6 – Crown of Horns
7 – As God is my Witness
8 – Trial By Fire
9 – Escape From Reality
10 – Sons of Thunder
11 – Giants in the Sky
12 – Fight of Your Life
13 – Vicious Circle
14 – The Lodger

Invincible Shield is the nineteenth studio album by English heavy metal band Judas Priest, released on 6 March 2024 by Sony in Japan, and released globally two days later through Columbia and Epic Records. It was produced by the band’s touring guitarist Andy Sneap, who also produced 2018’s Firepower.

Written by: megarock

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